Welcome to my blog!


Thanks for stopping by. This is my first post. Honestly, I’m a little nervous about the whole blog thing. But, I’m facing the fear and doing it anyway.

My intention is to create a space where I can talk about—even sound off about—public health issues, especially those that impact women and their families. I will share stories about amazing discoveries that are changing lives all across the globe, and stories of people living with health challenges, whose struggle may resemble yours or that of someone you love. You see, I believe we are all connected in this truly global community, wonderfully and inextricably tied to each other.

I also invite you, my readers and new friends, to share your stories and your take on the topics presented here. This is a judgment-free zone. I’m confident that together we will spark conversations that reflect totally different and even opposing views. We may even provoke controversy now and then. I’m okay with that because I believe these exchanges will lead to brilliant revelations about ourselves and about our beautiful planet.

Ultimately, my intention is to encourage us women to care more deeply and consistently for ourselves—our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. If this sounds like a lofty goal, it is. But at this point in my life, I know the effort will be my reward.

That's my take...

Shala W. Graham